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GeoGuessr Overview

Competition Results

AdrianBirkDavidEirikEirik AabøeGlennHugoJohanJohannesJohannes NJørn ArildKjetilLasseLisbethLive HMarishaMartinMartin I. B.Morten GNielsNilsOlavOttarSamanthaSanderSandraSarunSigurd den YngreSverreTerjeTobiasTorleif KVegardViktorØystein

Event Wins

HugoBirkJohannesLive HViktorLisbethNilsMarishaSamanthaOttarJohannes NEirikMartinAdrianVegardTobiasMartin I. B.

Event Losses

Oh no, it's the number of last-place finishes. Well, at least the losers below were able to win this chart.

EirikLasseSandraLisbethMarishaMartinSverreViktorSanderOlavMartin I. B.AdrianGlennSarunLive HJohannes NNilsEirik AabøeMorten GKjetilJørn ArildOttar

The Runners-Up

Fancy words for losing? The person who is made fun of just less than the person who came in last? Whatever the pun, here are the number of second-place finishes for each person:

JohannesHugoBirkNilsJohannes NMarishaSamanthaOttarMartinLive HLisbethEirikViktorTorleif KVegardSarun

Skill Distribution

Skill categories by competition

Average Position

Each person's average position (only counting attended events).

Torleif KHugoJohannesBirkSamanthaOttarNilsJohannes NViktorLive HMartinVegardSarunMarishaØysteinNielsSigurd den YngreLisbethSverreEirikMartin I. B.Eirik AabøeMorten GDavidTobiasGlennJohanSanderSandraAdrianJørn ArildOlavLasseKjetilTerje

Most Podiums

The number of top 3 finishes.

JohannesHugoBirkSamanthaMartinLive HMarishaNilsViktorJohannes NOttarLisbethSarunEirikVegardAdrianSandraTorleif KMartin I. B.TobiasØystein

Percentage of podium finishes

Percentage of Top 3 Finishes (only counting attended events).

Torleif KJohannesHugoBirkSamanthaMarishaLisbethMartinLive HNilsOttarViktorVegardTobiasJohannes NØysteinSarunMartin I. B.AdrianEirikSandra

Attended Events

Percentage of attended events (only counting events in applicable competitions for each participant).

Johannes NEirikViktorBirkJohannesMartinLive HNilsHugoSarunMarishaSverreOttarSamanthaLisbethVegardGlennSandraSanderLasseTobiasJohanSigurd den YngreMartin I. B.Morten GAdrianEirik AabøeØysteinDavidJørn ArildNielsOlavTorleif KKjetilTerje

Endurance: Best Performer

Each person's average position in events tagged with Endurance (only counting attended events).

Strength: Best Performer

Each person's average position in events tagged with Strength (only counting attended events).

Coordination / Technique: Best Performer

Each person's average position in events tagged with Coordination / Technique (only counting attended events).

Balance: Best Performer

Each person's average position in events tagged with Balance (only counting attended events).

Gaming: Best Performer

Each person's average position in events tagged with Gaming (only counting attended events).

Ball Skill: Best Performer

Each person's average position in events tagged with Ball Skill (only counting attended events).

Accuracy: Best Performer

Each person's average position in events tagged with Accuracy (only counting attended events).

Strategy / Mental Ability: Best Performer

Each person's average position in events tagged with Strategy / Mental Ability (only counting attended events).

Luck: Best Performer

Each person's average position in events tagged with Luck (only counting attended events).